The Education Department consists of general, elementary, and secondary education courses..

ED-201 Christian Philosophy of Education

ED-202 Champion Christian Teacher

ED-203 Teaching Techniques

ED-204 Tests and Measurements

ED-207/208 Newsletter Production

ED-300 Teaching Art

ED-301 Teaching History

ED-302 Teaching Science

ED-303 Teaching Math

ED-304 Teaching Language Arts

ED-305 Teaching Physical Education

ED-306 Teaching Health

ED-307 Teaching Phonics

ED-316 Teaching the Bible

ED-401 Methods and Materials

ED-402 The Self-paced Classroom

ED-403 Christian School Administration

ED-404 Starting a Christian School

ED-406 Biblical Discipline

ED-407 Student Teaching

ED-509 Research and Development of Curriculum

ED-591 Bible College Administration

ED-593 The Christian School